Moving hosting users to a new server


Moving hosting users to a new server


Our company continues to acquire new technologies and improve its services. Currently (August 2023) we are gradually moving our hosting customers to the new server, which should be painless for the customers themselves. However, we try to do it at night:


1. If you use an online payment system on the site that depends on the IP address, then send your partner bank the new IP address of the site:;


2. When moving to a new server, e-mails received during the migration period (24 hours) may not be reflected in your new accounts, although they are not lost and can still be viewed on the old server. Therefore, it is possible to view e-mails on the old server at the same time until the end of August, 30.08.2023. Compare only emails from the migration period. See the site transfer periods here:.



If you want to keep such skirts, please do it in your own way: copy it, or something else. The old server will be retired from September.


3. Since the new server works with the latest updated programs, it is possible that the sites running on the old software base may show some errors. Write about these issues on from your admin in the "support" menu. Our specialists will help you as much as possible, although some old sites may require adjustments by your programmers.


For problems, contact us from the admin in the menu "support"



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